C3D File support

The companies and organizations listed below in alphabetical order, have all stated that they offer products that support C3D files and have requested that they are listed on the C3D web site. Each company name is a hyper link that if you click on it, will take you directly to their website, opening a new browser window. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites. We encourage users to be aware when they leave the C3D.ORG site and, when visiting other web sites, to read the privacy statements of any site that collects personally identifiable information.

Please e-mail info@c3d.org if your products support the C3D format and you would like your website and a brief 30 word description to be added or updated below. A seperate list of C3D applications is available here.

AnyBody Technology

AnyBody Technology provides software and consultancy for musculoskeletal analysis of daily activities. A validated full-body model enabled for subject-specific accuracy computes in-vivo kinematics and dynamic individual muscle and joint forces.


ART manufacturers optical tracking systems for Virtual and Augmented Reality. In addition, ART provides solutions for industrial measurement and Motion Capture for ergonomics. The company is located near Munich, Germany.


Located near Valenciennes since 1994, Biogesta is specialized in the software development and in the design of high performances movements measurement and analysis system based on the latest video technologies.

BKIN Technologies

Incorporated as BKINTechnologies, this company is now called KINARM and is based in Kingston, Ontario and works with clinical and neuroscience researchers in the management of brain injury and disease.


BSNLAB designs and develops innovative techniques and manufactures IMU motion capture system and software tools enabling anyone to acquire experimental data in the biomechanics, motion capture and analysis fields.

BTS Bioengineering

BTS has researching and developing innovative technologies for motion analysis since 1986, always trying to improve our products and our company processes.


C-Motion is a world leader in software tools for research biomechanics, providing the mathematical tools that researchers and other professionals need to improve their decision making.


Codamotion promotes the development of leading-edge movement analysis products, systems and services that meet global needs. The organisation operates in collaboration with researchers and movement analysis practitioners around the world.

Cometa Systems

Cometa Systems develops, produces and sells completely wireless, waterproof and miniaturised EMG and IMU sensors for biomechanics applications. Our systems are certified, synch with external devices, and supported worldwide.

Innovision Systems

Innovision Systems have all the advanced features of high-end systems at half the cost offering a powerful motion analysis tool with a proven 3D tracker. Uses non proprietary cameras and supports C3D file formats.


Kwon3D develops and markets innovative and high-performance 3D Motion Analysis Systems, based on state-of-the art technologies. Kwon3D reads C3D files but does not create them.

Motion Analysis Corporation.

For over 35 years we have provided state-of-the-art 3D motion capture systems. Our continual focus on product and software development ensures our customers’ investment is protected.

Motion Lab Systems

MLS offers the C3Deditor, C3Dserver, RData2, MLSviewer, EMG Analysis, and other C3D applications that can display, create, edit, export to ASCII, access, search for, and analyze data in C3D files.

The MotionMonitor

The MotionMonitor is a real-time & post-processing software, which synchronizes and co-locates numerous motion capture technologies. The platform supports standard biomechanical analyses, user-defined computations, custom visualizations, scripts, and more.


Moveshelf is a secure web collaboration tool for motion lab technicians and movement scientists. Easily create and send interactive multi-media reports as a secure link. Compatible with any capture system.

NexGen Ergonomics

NexGen Ergonomics is the leading worldwide source for software and instrumentation used in ergonomics and biomechanics for analysis, research, design and education.

Northern Digital Inc.

NDI is a leading manufacturer of 3D measurement technology systems, with over 45,000 installations worldwide. NDI solutions are used whenever best in class measurement accuracy and reliability are required.


OpenSim was written for games and does not support the C3D file format but data can be extracted from C3D files into ASCII formats accessible by OpenSim using MATLAB.


OptiTrack systems offer the world’s leading blend of measurement accuracy and simple, easy-to-use workflows which provide researchers and biomechanists with ideal 3D tracking data for their studies.


Founded in 1994, PhaseSpace has developed motion capture solutions for academic and medical research, training simulations, and the robotics, graphic arts and entertainment industries.

Phoenix Technologies

Phoenix Technologies manufactures motion-tracking systems for the delivery of high quality real-time 3D motion capture data. Phoenix Technologies systems are used worldwide and in space on the ISS!


Polhemus products are used in healthcare, research and technology, and military applications delivering 6DOF motion tracking solutions with ultra-low latency and high performance sensors that are fully embeddable.


The pyC3Dserver is an open source python interface that supports C3D access via the Python programming language allowing easy and open access to the C3D format with support for data processing.


With offices worldwide and a global network of distributors, Qualisys are a global business offering motion capture and tracking systems for engineering, biomechanics, animation, virtual reality, robotics, and movement sciences.


We provide our inertial sensing software and hardware products to customers in many industries, including video game production, simulation and training, sports science, and biomechanics research.


SIMI systems are high-speed camera based systems using state of the art industrial image processing. Our mission is to develop high end image based movement analysis technology with user friendliness.

Vicon Motion Systems

Established in 1984 as Oxford Metrics, Vicon Motion Systems installed the first clinical gait analysis systems in the world and now develops motion capture products for Entertainment and Engineering industries.

Virtual Sensei

Virtual Sensei Lite is free software for sports motions analysis based on Microsoft Kinect sensor. This software is continuously improved and constitutes a remarkable innovation in the field of biomechanics.


Xcitex offers software for markerless auto-tracking of objects in 2-D and 3-D widely used for advanced projectile flight tracking and quantifying rockets, projectiles and bullets on aeroballistic test ranges.


Xsens IMU devices provide 3D motion tracking technology enabling a seamless interaction between the physical and the digital world in 3D character animation, motion analysis, and industrial control & stabilization.


In business since 2002, zFlo provides motion analysis solutions for a variety of fields. Our role is that of integrator, support engineers, trainers, and consulting experts for motion analysis solutions.